Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Lid
· Usually occurs on the lower eye lid.
· Usually has a nodular with a pearly surface and telangiectatic vessels.
· May appear as morphea form or sclerosing form.
Whenever there is found a mass on the eyelid or adnexa, the standard scheme of examination of a lump should be followed.
Standard Scheme for examination of a Lump (link to step)
Describe the findings of Observation
Describe the skin complexion of the patient
On inspection there is an ______ (ovoid / round / disfigured), __________ (pigmented / non-pigmented / depigmented / skin colored) mass,
located on the lower eyelid, involving the medial half of the lower eyelid,
_______ (sparing / involving) the eyelid margin,
about 5x3 mm in size, with sharp demarcation from the surrounding tissue
The surface is (Pearly/ ____) with surface telangiectasis, and rolled edges
Mucopurulent / blood-stained discharge
There is loss of / no loss of eyelid architecture (loss of lashes, deformed tarsal plate)
Describe the findings of Palpation –
The mass is ________(tender / non-tender) to touch
the lesion is __________ (nodular / multinodular / diffusely infiltrating
the temperature of the lesion is comparable to the surrounding skin,
the nodule is __________ (soft, firm, Hard) in consistency.
it is __________ (adherent to the skin/mobile under the skin) but__________ (attached / not attached) to the underlying structures and is _______- (mobile / immobile).
The mass is non-pulsatile and has no fluctuation or reducibility
The draining lymph nodes are non-palpable.
Check if the punctum is involved (suggestive of potential orbital extension).
Check if there is diplopia or limitation of extraocular motility
Assess the amount of skin laxity which would be important in reconstructive surgery.
(As in all cases of anterior segment, look for some other clinical finding other than the lump)
What is the differential diagnosis?
What are the treatment options for basal cell carcinoma?
Excision. This is the treatment of choice. Two techniques may be used in widely infiltrating (morpheaform) tumours to ensure complete excision:
The frozen section techniques. After the tumour has been excised, 1-2 mm wide strips of tissue is excised from the adjacent tissue for frozen section examination. Reconstruction is undertaken only when all margins are found to be tumour free.
Mohg's micrographic surgery. Tissue is removed in lamellar layers which provide a three- dimensional mapping of the tumour excision. Compare with the above, it allows for retention of the maximum amount of tissue.